'Chef Ellard and Bailey explore the delicious street food of Kuala Lumpur. Amazing roti and curries for breakfast! They also find some unexpected things down alleyways. ✔ WEB http://www.theculinaryedgeTV.com ✔ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/theculinaryedge_TV ✔ SUBSCRIBE http://bit.ly/CETV-subscribe Next Stop on their tour is Malaysia for a quick 4-day too-little trek around the street eats of Kuala Lumpur. We were immediately entranced with the aromas of hawker centre Pusat Penjaja Selera Muda, serving up Malaysian street food: Nasi Goreng, Roti Cani, Iced Coffee and more. Then a visit to the famous Petaling Street (Chinatown) for some BBQ and a questionable dip down an alley way. Malaysia we adore you and will certainly come back for a longer visit next time! Thanks for watching! ♫ Music in this Episode ♫ PONO » https://www.reverbnation.com/ponomusic Kronos Quartet » http://www.kronosquartet.org/ Doug Maxwell » http://www.mediarightproductions.com/about Chung-Vô-Diệm » http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Unknown/~/Chung-V-Dim_Pts_1_and_2'
Tags: street food videos , malaysian street food , malay food , roti canai , kuala lumpur street food , travel Malaysia , Kuala Lumpur Malaysia , teh tarik , Travel Malaysia vlog , petaling street , chinatown kuala lumpur , Malaysian street food tour in kuala lumpur , kl foodie , Chef Ellard , KL Food Street , travel malaysia food , malaysian breakfast food , roti canai curry sauce , kuala lumpur street walk , tarik tea , kl skyline 2020 , tourist try malaysian food
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